Monday, January 03, 2005

Browser Breakdown

Fascinating results courtesy of I was tired of the nearly useless information that provided and switched the tracking of my blog to StatCounter - highly recommended.

It seems that visitors to this site are switching to non-IE browsers in a big way. 22% of y'all have abandoned IE in favor of an open-source derived browser.

76% IE
13% Firefox
3% Safari
3% Netscape
3% Mozilla

In the OS front, we have the usual line-up... somewhat surprising is the stronger than expected Mac showing. I'm happy to see that the final days of DOS-based Windows are here... but somehow, 11% of you are still using these aging systems.

70% WinXP
8% Mac
8% Win2K
6% Win98
5% WinME
3% Linux

At least according to these numbers, Linux on the desktop is for real coming in at 3%. I'm looking forward to the Google Zeitgeist as I think they're the best gauge of OS and browser usage.


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