Sunday, December 12, 2004

Buy Blue - Support Those Who Support Blue Values

What is all about?

Mission Statement: supports businesses that share our progressive values and ideals. uses our power as consumers to vote with our wallets, supporting businesses that abide by sustainability, workers' rights, environmental standards, and corporate transparency. At the same time, organizes vast boycotts against businesses that violate the essential values of a sustainable, fair and profitable society through their policies and the politicians they support.

Vision Statement: will become a powerful tool used by a community of millions dissatisfied with the ineffectiveness of our elected and appointed leaders. We will form strong coalitions with stockholders, shareholders, corporations, small businesses and communities which share our values to gain strength through numbers. We will influence the political landscape, stimulate economic growth among participating businesses and industries and use the American dollar as an incentive for corporate transparency and responsibility.


We believe that most politicians no longer serve the public's interest and instead pander to influential corporations and special interests.

We believe that America can be great and united again, but first we must embrace progressive ideals that work in the interests of all of our citizens, not simply those in the majority or those who are privileged.

We believe that the best way to encourage our political leaders and corporations to enforce progressive ideals is to vote for those ideals the only way those groups understand; with our collective buying power.

We believe that as a community we can, will, and must make a difference.