Thursday, December 30, 2004

The Difference Between Apple & Microsoft

The striking difference between Apple & Microsoft comes down to one thing: attention to detail.

Whereas Microsoft is happy with "good enough," Apple has always focused on how to make it "even better." This attention to detail can be seen in nearly all aspects of their products. I'm not surprised one bit that Windows users are plagued by security problems, virii and spyware. Microsoft catered their Internet development to helping businesses exploit "consumers" whereas Apple has always worked to enable the user. It's a fundamental difference in philosophy.

Gartner Research has chastized Microsoft for neglecting the underlying structural weaknesses in the Windows platform and opting for more patch fixes to the growing problem. They advise that corporations demand a unified anti-virus and security system.

Frankly, it's ridiculous that people put up with this nonsense. A business can do whatever it wants because as far as the employee is concerned, it's not his or her money and if the company loses money because of poor technology purchasing decisions, so be it. But when it comes to spending your own money, why spend it on a system that's buggy, unsecure and always needing to be protected from some sort of attack?

In all the years that I've used a Mac, I've always been happy with my Macs - how many PC users do you find that will say the same thing?


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