Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Carville Gets It: A Coherent and Clear Statement of Democratic Party Values

"I'm not in denial. Reality hit me," Carville said. "Let's take the greatest morality story of all -- we're born again," he added, in a play on words connoting both his view that the party needs a fundamental change, as well as the importance of evangelical Christians to Bush.

"We have to treat the disease, not the symptom," Carville said. "The purpose of a political party is to win elections, and we're not doing that."

Carville said that the party's concern about interest groups had resulted in "litanies, not a narrative."

"The party needs a narrative," he said. adding later that one possibility would to become "an aggressively reform, anti-Washington, anti-business-as-usual party."

This is welcome news. I think most Democrats are beginning to realize that the Republicans are waging a war against America. In pursuit of their view of "conservative moral values," they seek to destroy all of the real American values of freedom, equality, social justice and tolerance. It is heartening to read that the upper echelons of the leadership realize that winning this war requires more than just banding together a broad coalition.


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