Monday, June 06, 2005

Apple and Intel

This rumor had been around for a very long time and finally, it happened. Essentially, it was the unthinkable for any Mac-o-phile because of the animosity that has existed for nearly two decades between the opposing camps.

In case you didn't watch the keynote address at WWDC, Steve didn't look happy about this movement towards Intel. In fact, if you read between the lines, it was far from what he would have liked. He liked ridiculing Wintel performance... it put the onus of performance squarely on Apples shoulders. From now on, comparisons between Photoshop on the two platforms fall onto the OS! Intels CEO looked positively joyous... It was like the dork that finally gets a date with the hot girl (because the hot girl got dumped by her boyfriend for another girl) ... which, incidentally, is exactly what happened.

Microsoft dumped Intel for IBM.
IBM dumped Apple...
and Apple & Intel wound up together.


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