Monday, March 07, 2005

Of Mice and Men

As part of my time in fellowship, we have to do some sort of research
(clinical or bench) ... I was daring and decided to step into the lab.
It's been very interesting as I first learned how to properly sedate
the little animals, then to intubate them (it can be hard intubating
people at times ... now imagine it if they're very small) and in this
time, I'm simply amazed how useful Google and the Internet has been. I
cannot imagine doing work like this before the Internet. Even though
UCLA taught us how to use Index Medicus, I actually
never used it. We had this wonderful Melvyl catalog available to us
using ancient terminals... and my last year in college, I was able to
dial-in and did the bulk of my searches without leaving the comfort of
my dorm room. If you're a student now, you must be laughing at this
because you now take it for granted... well, about 10 years ago, even
at a place like UCLA, most people didn't have e-mail or Internet
access in the dorms... that's right, 1994!


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