Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Bill Cosby Strikes Out

Mr. Cosby has stirred about quite a storm lately. In recent comments, he's put part of the blame on the poor performance of some African-Americans on a culture that devalues educational achievement and derides as "being white." On Talk of the Nation, he asks "what does it mean to be black?"

But I think it goes beyond a simple black/white issue. Americans do not value education. This is why a child can memorize a book of baseball statistics but perform very poorly in school. It's why the geeks get beaten up in the hallways but jocks are praised as the second coming of Jesus. It's how an imbecile such as George Bush can beat Al Gore because he isn't an "East coast intellectual." Our country was founded by East coast intellectuals - not the village idiots from Texas!

America has it's priorities all screwed up. That's why the rest of the world is going to leapfrog ahead of us in the coming decade.


At 5:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent assessment! Cosby is right on track. I only fear that perhaps the lack of benefits will come too late. Who knows? We may already be harboring a majority of boobish nitwits. When was the last time you heard of a new university being built (with the exception of that gOd-awful religious institution proposed in Florida by the lord of the Pizza)? Yet in the past decade we've seen maybe dozens of multi-million dollar stadiums built. Priorities...*sigh* April Fool, OpenDiary


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