Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Politics Aside (for a moment)

So, what will you be doing when the terrorists strike? The reality is that they most likely would love to strike the U.S. again. In fact, all of Mr. Bush's "war on terror" has done is to further galvanize anti-U.S. sentiments. I firmly believe that we are less safe today than we were on 9/10/2001.

What I don't understand are warnings such as those issued today by our Department of Homeland (In)-Security. What am I to do with the knowledge that "...disturbing intelligence indicates al Qaeda's specific intention to hit the United States hard"? I mean, other than raise my stress hormone levels and cause me to worry and lose more hair, what do you do with this knowledge?

We were attacked because of our short-sighted foreign policy since 1945. Time and time again, we support dictators and oppressive governments. We funded al Queda and the Taliban in their fight against the Soviets. We continue to prop up Pakistan and Saudia Arabia's corrupt and oppressive regimes. We have failed to bring a meaningful peace to the Palestinians and Israelis... and probably exacerbated the situation since Mr. Bush's administration came into power. Now, we are occupying and abusing Iraq.

So, they will attack us again - because we do NOT stand for peace, freedom or democracy. Because our actions speak much louder than any rhetoric our leaders deliver on the world stage.


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