Thursday, December 30, 2004

The Difference Between Apple & Microsoft

The striking difference between Apple & Microsoft comes down to one thing: attention to detail.

Whereas Microsoft is happy with "good enough," Apple has always focused on how to make it "even better." This attention to detail can be seen in nearly all aspects of their products. I'm not surprised one bit that Windows users are plagued by security problems, virii and spyware. Microsoft catered their Internet development to helping businesses exploit "consumers" whereas Apple has always worked to enable the user. It's a fundamental difference in philosophy.

Gartner Research has chastized Microsoft for neglecting the underlying structural weaknesses in the Windows platform and opting for more patch fixes to the growing problem. They advise that corporations demand a unified anti-virus and security system.

Frankly, it's ridiculous that people put up with this nonsense. A business can do whatever it wants because as far as the employee is concerned, it's not his or her money and if the company loses money because of poor technology purchasing decisions, so be it. But when it comes to spending your own money, why spend it on a system that's buggy, unsecure and always needing to be protected from some sort of attack?

In all the years that I've used a Mac, I've always been happy with my Macs - how many PC users do you find that will say the same thing?

Holy Cheap Mac, Batman!

So, it's a week or so before the annual Mac geekfest known as MacWorld. To the uninitiated, this is one of those old-fashioned expositions where Apple shows off their newest hardware and software offerings. Before the Internet, it was an opportunity for 3rd party vendors to showcase their offerings in front of a lot of influential people (aka alphageeks). And in the world of Mac, the rumor websites go into overdrive with outrageous predictions.

This year is no different and it brings us the rumor of a $500 Mac. This holy grail of Mac computing has been a glimmer in the eye of many a Mac fan and this includes me. I think the success of the iPod has brought Apple the opportunity of a lifetime. After two decades of mistakes, Apple has a brief opportunity to reintroduce the world to the Mac.

I hope they take advantage of it.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

You're Not Anonymous on the Web

So, recently, I signed up for a service that tracks visitors to my website. It's amazing what information is revealed when you go to web page. What's even more amazing is how much information you can get for free! Take for example this:

It tells me that this person is from Sacramento, that they're using a Mac running Internet Explorer, the search terms he/she used on Google and even their IP address. It doesn't show here but I can also identify specific users, how often he/she has come to the page and what pages they've looked at and how long they've stayed at the page! And with their IP address, if I really wanted to, I could try to attack that machine. I'm sure that even more malicious trackers would try to steal more information from that computer.

Amazing! So, be aware of what you're leaving around... especially if you're on a public computer at the library because someone could have installed software to steal your passwords, banking information and God knows what else… and if you should be abusing your Internet access privileges, I know who you are and if you're naughty or nice!

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Buy Blue - Support Those Who Support Blue Values

What is all about?

Mission Statement: supports businesses that share our progressive values and ideals. uses our power as consumers to vote with our wallets, supporting businesses that abide by sustainability, workers' rights, environmental standards, and corporate transparency. At the same time, organizes vast boycotts against businesses that violate the essential values of a sustainable, fair and profitable society through their policies and the politicians they support.

Vision Statement: will become a powerful tool used by a community of millions dissatisfied with the ineffectiveness of our elected and appointed leaders. We will form strong coalitions with stockholders, shareholders, corporations, small businesses and communities which share our values to gain strength through numbers. We will influence the political landscape, stimulate economic growth among participating businesses and industries and use the American dollar as an incentive for corporate transparency and responsibility.


We believe that most politicians no longer serve the public's interest and instead pander to influential corporations and special interests.

We believe that America can be great and united again, but first we must embrace progressive ideals that work in the interests of all of our citizens, not simply those in the majority or those who are privileged.

We believe that the best way to encourage our political leaders and corporations to enforce progressive ideals is to vote for those ideals the only way those groups understand; with our collective buying power.

We believe that as a community we can, will, and must make a difference.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Wanted: A Democratic Party with a Vision for America's Future

Finally, someone in the Democratic party gets it! Howard Dean dares to speak what the toothless DLC cannot imagine! It's been circling around the 'net since the election that a new strategy and bold leadership is needed. Pathetic attempts to pass as GOP-lite won't cut it. Apparently I'm not alone in thinking that the Democratic party lacks a vision. Democrats have never been without purpose or passion but a movement is nothing without a vision. In order to win, the Democratic party must present our vision of what we want for America and how we propose to answer the problems that face our nation.

FDR brought the New Deal and the '60s brought the fight against poverty. The current Democratic party does not offer a compelling message other than to say that they can do better than George W Bush - well, any idiot can do better than this administration! What America needs is a vision that can stir our collective soul, move us to move mountains, reach the moon, and dare I say it, provide the wisdom to remind us of the radical mission proposed in the Declaration of Independence and our Bill of Rights!

The question is not whether we move left or right. It's not about our direction. What we need to start focusing on... is the destination. There are some practical elements to the destination …

The destination of the Democratic Party requires that it be financially viable, able to raise money not only from big donors but small contributors, not only through dinners and telephone solicitations and direct mail, but also through the Internet and person-to-person outreach.

… There is a Party of fiscal responsibility... economic responsibility.... social responsibility... civic responsibility... personal responsibility... and moral responsibility. It's the Democratic Party.

We need to be able to say strongly, firmly, and proudly what we believe. Because we are what we believe.