Wednesday, July 21, 2004

"Open Source" Wedding Website

So, during our wedding planning sessions, Sepideh and I had the brilliant idea that we'd create a wedding information website where all of our guests and family would use as our "Wedding Central." It's nothing glamorous but it's functional. It's only been a few months but I still remember what it was like to be a stressed out guy trying to help out with the wedding planning. I figure there must be others out there so it's here, if you want it.

Just drop me a line and let me know if you actually use it somehow. And if there's some really cool addition/changes that you think others might like, let me know and I'll add it to the "source tree."

Monday, July 12, 2004

Leave in Silence

I've told myself so many times before
But this time I think I mean it for sure
We have reached a full stop
Nothing's gonna save us from the big drop

Reached our natural conclusion
Outlived the illusion
I hate being in these situations
That call for diplomatic relations

If I only knew the answer
or I thought we had a chance
or I could stop this
I would stop this thing from spreading like a cancer

What can I say? I don't want to play... anymore
What can I say? I'm heading for the door
I can't stand this emotional violence
Leave in silence...

We've been running around in circles all year
Doing this and that and getting nowhere
This'll be the last time
(I think I said that last time)

If I only had a potion,
Some magical lotion
That could stop this, I would stop this
I would set the wheels in motion

What can I say? I don't want to play... anymore
What can I say? I'm heading for the door
I can't stand this emotional violence
Leave in silence...

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Bill Cosby Strikes Out

Mr. Cosby has stirred about quite a storm lately. In recent comments, he's put part of the blame on the poor performance of some African-Americans on a culture that devalues educational achievement and derides as "being white." On Talk of the Nation, he asks "what does it mean to be black?"

But I think it goes beyond a simple black/white issue. Americans do not value education. This is why a child can memorize a book of baseball statistics but perform very poorly in school. It's why the geeks get beaten up in the hallways but jocks are praised as the second coming of Jesus. It's how an imbecile such as George Bush can beat Al Gore because he isn't an "East coast intellectual." Our country was founded by East coast intellectuals - not the village idiots from Texas!

America has it's priorities all screwed up. That's why the rest of the world is going to leapfrog ahead of us in the coming decade.