Saturday, January 25, 2003

been so long, since i found out... what people mean by down and out

damn it's been a long time. i'd completely forgotten about this damned blog. several reasons, if you're really interested. in november, i was on the GI service and as wonderful as my attending was, he was a bit busy with his schedule and as a result, i wound up being at the hospital much longer than i like. december was the dreaded "med consult" month which is a harrowing month at County for the 3rd year Medicine resident. and well, had better things to do since new years.

the flu sucks. in the 4 years that i've been in the medical profession, i've come down with it 2x now. the 2 years that i didn't, i got the flu shot. that would say something to you, wouldn't it? like - geez, i should get the flu shot every year. it really sucks.

avoid getting sick.


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