Monday, June 25, 2001

road rules / denver to sacramento in 4 days
denver : 6.25.01 @ 0800

check out the new log we're writing for the roadtrip. started it yesterday while i was at the airport (lax) and in-flight.

it's gonna be a good time.

Tuesday, June 19, 2001

internship / 24 months of hell

greetings & salutations to the visitors from the United Arab Emirates and Saudia Arabia. please do me a favor and let me know how you stumbled onto this page.

dear readers, i am closing in on the end of the most difficult 24 months of my life. yes, i am about to finish internship and move onto "junior resident" status. to make matters even more amazing, i am about to start 5 weeks of vacation.

i can't tell you how happy i am.

Monday, June 04, 2001

blue monday / "tell me how does it feel ... when your heart grows cold?"

great song ... too bad the band went to hell. at least, they put out some very good tunes along the way.

blogger has been down (or at least glacially slow) for the past week or two ... to the point of being absolutely unusable ... (no explanation offered) ... the weather in l.a. has been been gorgeous. driving about today was really nice ... even if there was a bit too much smog in most of the area, the westside was very nice. and now, time for more joy division / new order lyrics...

We'll share a drink and step outside,
An angry voice and one who cried,
'I give you everything and more,
This pain too much, can't take much more.'
Oh, I've walked on water, run through fire,
Can't seem to feel it anymore ...

Sunday, June 03, 2001

it's gettin' hot out there / summer is coming soon

the coming of summer and our little energy problem out here is ever so convenient. hopefully Mr. Bush will smarten up and realize this is his chance to win the hearts & minds of california voters. instead, he just seems to enjoy placing the blame on the entire state. never mind that this whole deregulation business was another stupid republican idea foisted upon californians by pete wilson.

for the record, i will support secession. hail the republic of california!