Thursday, September 14, 2000

beautiful day / fabulously scrumptious new u2 song

fire up napster/macster and grab it boys + girls... i really like the new song /despite objections from some of my closest friends/ simply because it's bright, cheery and very poppy. it's in the same vein as /friday i'm in love/ because it doesn't dwell on the lameness of life... he talks about being happy and that's cool. and sometimes, such a song is just the type of song you want to hear.

Wednesday, September 13, 2000

mac os x / thanks but not thanks

unbelievable as this may sound, despite my unending enthusiasm and years of salivation over this very product, i'm going to wait. it's actually /very/ simple, i don't want to be a guinea pig and run into all sorts of problems when installing this thing. furthermore, there'll soon be updates and everyone else can do all the dirty work for me.

re: yucky / i'm still sick. i hate it. i'm going to ask the nurses to give me some iv fluids. this sucks!

re: / still haven't heard back from these people. i guess they really aren't that interested in improving their service. their loss as i've now found a new insurance broker who's /supposedly/ going to find me a better deal.

Tuesday, September 12, 2000

yucky! / help me, i can't breathe!

over the course of the past few days, what i thought was a simple cold has turned into something worse. now my teeth are hurting and these fevers... ugh. even though i was post call last night, i didn't sleep very well. not even my savior from last year /benadryl/ could help me sleep! fortunately, they let me go home early today and a friend filled in for me at clinic. i've slept most of the day and will be turning in just after i finish this.

the walk / a sudden sense of liberty

i saw you look like a japanese baby... in the distance. i remember everything... everything.

no real point for this point but i just fixed a several month long problem that i'd been having with my earthlink ftp account and thought that i'd put this and see if it works. i found an mp3 of martin gore singing "yesterday" and it's pretty cool. i'm looking forward to a new album from them. let me know if you have any info on a release date... i think they're working towards a 2001 release date.